We pay a great importance to the privacy of our website’s users. Its AlgoPage’s policy to respect the privacy of its users regarding the data we use to collect while operating the website. Well, we have crafted this privacy policy to help you know how we are collecting, using, communicating and disclosing the data and how we are making use of the personal details. Here are the outlines of AlgoPage’s privacy policy:
We strive hard to conduct our business with accordance to these principles. In this way, we make sure that the confidentiality and safety of the personal details is maintained and protected on a high node. AlgoPage can modify its privacy policy whenever it is necessary and this is AlgoPage’s sole discretion.
By accessing our website https://www.algopage.com you are agreeing to abide our privacy policy and terms & conditions. You are also agreeing to the laws & regulations which are applicable. You are also agreeing to the fact that you will remain responsible to compliance with our privacy policies. Those who are not agreeing to these terms must not access or use this website. All the materials assigned for this website are protected as per the copyright as well as trademark laws.
User Behavior:
Until and unless you are taking a written permission while writing the email to AlgoPage.com, you are not really allowed to perform certain activities like:
AlgoPage is not going to guarantee any likely results, reliability or accuracy of materials that are provided through our website. We are also not going to guarantee any relations of other sites with such materials or the websites that are linked with our website.
In no case, AlgoPage or its partners will remain liable for the damage occurred due to inability or out of the use of materials that are provided on this website and this may include damage occurred due to loss of data, business interruption and profit.
Errata and Revision:
The materials added for this website may contain photographic, typographical or technical errors. We are not guaranteeing that the materials assigned for this website are complete, current or accurate. We can change the materials of this website just any time and without any prior notice. AlgoPage is also not going to commit that we will update these materials.
AlgoPage also not commit that we will review all those websites linked with our site and also not responsible to the accuracy of the content that are present with the linked websites. Inclusion of those links are not implying that AlgoPage support the materials those linked websites contain. Users will be at their own risk while browsing through those linked websites. Terms of Use Modifications:
AlgoPage can anytime revise the terms of use and without any prior notice. While using our website, you will remain liable to the existing version of the terms and conditions of use.
Governing Law:
The claims related to the AlgoPage’s website will be governed under respected laws without any relation to the conflict of laws and provisions.
General terms and conditions are applicable when it comes to using the website.
These are the files that contain data in small amount. And this may include something like anonymous or unique identifier. These files are mostly sent to the browser you are using through a website as well as stored in the hard drive of your computer. Like many other websites, we also use the cookies in order to collect information. All you need to instruct the browser you are using to refuse the acceptance of cookies or you can instruct it to indicate when the cookies are sent. Users who are not accepting cookies may not make the best use of some parts of our website.